

February and March have been full of birthdays! Between the churches in Resistencia and Buenos Aires, we have celebrated at least a half dozen cumpleaños, including my own (Marian).

Birthday Pizza

Simona, the wife of Pastor Luis, is the resident pizza expert. She made pizzas for her daughters' birthdays and for my birthday too. Delicious!

Many Argentines celebrate by gathering on the night before the actual birthday, to help the birthday boy or girl welcome in their special day. At midnight, everyone sings Cumpleaño Feliz (Happy Birthday) and dives into the birthday cake.

Birthday Cake

Elia, Pastor Luis' daughter, wished for a "chico Hollywood" for her birthday. She's hoping her 23rd year will bring her a fabulously good-looking boyfriend.

Pastor Ana Sargenti from the Disciples of Christ church in Barranqueras asked me if I ever imagined that I would one day celebrate my birthday in Argentina. Never, I replied. But what a special birthday it was!

Manzanas Con Manzanas

While waiting to ring in my birthday, we introduced our friends to the game Apples to Apples, which is translated as "Manzanas con Manzanas."

3 Responses to “Birthday”

  1. 1 Brin

    Birthday cake at midnight! Now, that’s a tradition I wouldn’t mind starting (and I’m sure my kids wouldn’t mind either).

  1. 1 Culture and Christianity: Adapt, Graft, Transform « resistanceandacceptance

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